we provide:

"a great price, for a quality service, in a timely fashion" (services still in progress...call to inquire)

Friday, February 17, 2012

--internal cumbustion emt's--

    i am interested in rare engine repairs(lost causes)--

--costs may vary, depending on the severity of the nightmare you are trying to wake up from--

 some of the issues we address--
spun bearings,
broken castings,
stripped threads,
cracked blocks,(water-jacket or otherwise)--
cylinder re-sleeving,
head cracks,
hatched blocks(hole-in-side)--
or other "un-fixable" issues, that we will find a way to remedy...

    what we are unable to repair "in house", we will "out-source"(to an alternate vendor), to restore your engine to full, or light duty(alternate vendors raise price per repair)--

--(warrenties are for thirty days, and are void if racing or other abuses are discovered)--

--internal combustion emt's...a giving a "second chance" for that numbers matching block that is irreplaceable, someone can fix it...(and that is who i am)--

                                      --when they say "no-way", we find one--

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