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Friday, February 17, 2012

-- i-phone to i-phone automotive tech support--

      i am currently working the idea for a web-site, that you can send streaming video to, for a technician to view, and give an "online diagnostic opinion", for the tech support user to consider(pointing them in the right direction, when they have "car trouble"), making repairs less costly, and take less time--

    the concept is still in the planning stages, and i will need a stable of able techs to analyze video posts, and to give surface diagnosis, from the sights and sounds there-in...  stay tuned--

  --ideally video will be "streamed" to the tech, in "real-time", or close(with some lag from the website, due to the website acting as a buffer, between the customer and the technician)--

                                     --the format--

   step-1)  customer uploads video of problem they are having--
              l                                                                         l
              l      --customer video post(of problem)--         l
              l ____________________________________l

  step-2) tech clicks on video to analyze customer's issue--
  step-3)  tech returns a post with an opinion about the problem, and the best steps to take to resolving the issue(fixing the problem)--

            l                                                                      l
            l          --technicians return post--                  l

  step-4) customer examines the techs return post, and proceeds with repairs "well informed", to a repair facility, or at home("hobbyist", or "do-it-yourself-er")--

         --posting-system repeats until problem is solved--

      --(online techs are not liable for user mistakes, or misdiagnosis, techs give opinions about repairs, to assist the person posting the problem, in coming to an informed conclusion, or developing a viable plan, to complete the repair)--

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